Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Point Loma Christmas Home Tour

How fun it was! Amazing house inside and out. So much red, buttercup yellow, all shades of green, so many warm touches. Outside as you can see.....

First booth when you walk in, the cutes dog blankets.

This was Linda's display, owner of the La Maison Rustique. She is so gifted!

Christie and I shared the booth for this show, and it looked pretty good to me!

An other cabinet, built by me and hand painted by Christie.

I made these ornaments, clever ah! Whenever I come up with these brilliant ideas I get so excited. Let me know if you would like instructions on how to, it's so easy!

$ 18.00 each

New and improved crown stockings.
$ 25.00 each

Getting ready for La Maison Rustique Barn Sale and the Out of the Blue Market this coming weekend. Enjoy the peeks.

Arrivederci Rita


  1. Hi Rita, love your new blog. Your photos from the show, and especially your space are gorgeous! You and Christie are a winning combination!

  2. Rita! Your photos are breath taking..I know how much work that must have been for you. We did Artisans Alley yesterday and I am very tired but off to open the store today on Sunday. I hope you and the girls did well at the show and best of luck at the Barn! Hope to see you guys soon...we still have the tole hamper for Christie waiting for her. :)

  3. Rita, you and Christie always have the best booth. You two are so talented at the setting up and making everything look just right. I wonder if that's because you guys have the most beautiful stuff...hmmm! I do love Linda's stuff too!

  4. Hi Rita

    Looks like another good show for you! Love the pictures, too!

