Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tea Pots!

I am suppose to de clatter! (spelling please) not clatter, right? My goal is to have about 20 teapots on the fireplace mantel!

I 'm up to 6, I better go hunting. Have a great weekend Ciao Rita


  1. Clutter....what are the teapots for?

  2. Rita,
    I am really curious about the marmalade molds & resin you spoke of on my blog comment. Sounds really neat, I'm always on the hunt for new technique. If you have time I'd love to hear more. Lisa
    Love the teapots, I'm adding a couple similar to what you have on my etsy tomorrow.

  3. no de-clattering for me tee hee I love Junk toooo much. It is good you have a goal of 26 tea pots....don't want to over do. ha ha

    just checking in to see what's new.

    take care, jackie

  4. "De-clutter"??? .. Who can do that? ...not me!...Heaven knows I try ...some times I think I might be turning into a 'hoarder' ... but the minute I get rid of something, I see something on someone's blog and I want to kick myself for getting rid of it ... I am really trying to organize my stuff, but it's a never ending battle.
    I love your collection and I will keep an eye open for you ..but I also love the silver tea pots.. We've always had the same taste. :^)
    Big fat (( hugZ)) Tia Betty
